How many times have you attended a school hosted event only to discover that the line is a mile long? Or maybe you’ve had someone wait in line for upwards of half an hour only to discover they’ve left their tickets in their car. Scenarios like this are common in the world of school ticketing. Physical tickets for school events are a passé methodology as well considering more and more students heavily rely on their smartphones. This is where Ticketing 4 Schools comes in, offering students an easy way to remember their tickets and ticker takers a smoother process. The top benefits of Ticketing 4 Schools are: 

1.     Faster Process Oftentimes, school events attract numerous people, including students and faculty. Large schools can easily have well over 1,000 student attendees at certain events. Checking tickets for large groups of people can lead to long wait times that take over an hour to get through. Ticketing 4 Schools makes this process significantly easier by facilitating easy check-in. Students simply need to show their student ID to get through the door which is then scanned with the app. This makes the check-in process significantly easier for all.

2.     Easy App

Far too often, apps are cumbersome and difficult to use. Ticketing 4 Schools features a streamlined app that allows faculty members to easily check students in. Although it’s recommended students bring their ID, the app is also connected to an extensive database of the school’s current students. Those who forget their ID simply need to give their name and the system will bring them up—all with a few taps of the screen. This easy-to-learn and use system allows faculty to easily check students in with worry.

3.     Custom Reports One of the biggest questions we receive is how the app can be used. Rather than creating a system that can only be used for school events, we’ve created a comprehensive system that can be used every day. Teachers and faculty can track attendance, library visits, field trip attendees and even detentions thanks to the customized, easy to understand reports provided by the app. Never again will teachers need to worry about strictly using the honor system, nor will they need to rely on another faculty member knowing who their student is.

4.     Better Security

Unfortunately, the world is a scary place, especially for teachers. Nefarious individuals can slip into events and cause havoc. This can lead to serious consequences for students, teachers and faculty alike. With Ticketing 4 Schools, teachers and faculty can ensure their events and classrooms are safe spaces for their students.

Ticketing 4 Schools is dedicated to providing safe experiences for all school attendees. With this comprehensive yet simple systems, teachers and faculty are able to easily check students into events or rooms. Teachers can examine customized reports as well to ensure they’re students are following their instructions as well. With Ticketing 4 Tickets, it’s never been easier to facilitate a safe and effective environment. Learn more about how we can help your school here.