Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

Efficiently Manage Your Intervention Data

Interventions 4 Schools' powerful database provides administrators quick entry, easy to use tools, powerful reporting and te most efficient way to manage large amounts of data.

Check out our comprehensive platform

The Scanning page does more than simply capture tardy student data. It also logs students into detention, provides custom usage for Administrators, and issues Hall Passes. Manage Outcomes puts power at the disposal of APs. The Dashboard provides a quick graphical glance at the current day’s stats. The wide range of reports should meet every requirement.

Maximize Student ID Cards

Automatic Detentions

Built On Enterprise Servers

What Are Our Districts Using Interventions 4 Schools For?

Maximize The Usage Of Your Student IDs Cards

Drive Down Tardies With Effincies and Data

Many Uses

Powerful Reporting

Interventions 4 Schools uses a powerful database to document the most common student infractions, like tardies and dress code violations. Staff can use a USB or Bluetooth scanner to scan student IDs anytime an infraction occurs. This reduces the time spent writing detention slips in between classes, or at the beginning of the day when a student is tardy. Our system records all of these infractions and provides administrators the tools efficiently to manage the large amounts of data.

What Are Our Districts Saying?

What's Included

Pricing based on student count ranges. Small schools under 1,000 students, medium schools up to 2,499 students and large schools over 2,500 students.

Please contact for college or large organization pricing.

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Educator Focused, Educator Designed

Ben and Michael, two teachers from Anaheim, started Software 4 Schools to solve one simple problem.  How do we get rid of paper tickets for our school dances and use the student ID cards they already have.  

After an overwhelming success with their school dances and neighboring schools they started to share their ticketing and other solution around the USA. 

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