Our application uses Personal Identifiable Information (PII) which is stored securely on our servers. To request to have that removed, please fill out the form below. Once we have verified your information, we will reach out to the owner of the account and notify them of this request. If you are the owner of this account we will walk you though steps to remove PII data of your customers. Learn more about our  Privacy Police and Terms of Use. 

What information do we collect in our software applications?

The data your Educational Organization stores on our platform may include the following information about students and staff members.

  • Staff First and Last Name
  • Staff E-mail
  • Student ID Number
  • Student First and Last Name
  • Student Grade Level
  • Student Birthday or a Password (Voting Only – Encrypted on our Server)
  • Student E-mail (Voting Only – Optional)
  • Student Photo (Multiple Applications – Optional)
  • Home Language (Discipline Only – Optional)
  • Parent Name (Discipline Only – Optional)
  • Parent Phone (Discipline Only – Optional)
  • Parent E-mail (Discipline Only – Optional)

The staff email address you provide will only be used as a login into our applications or for password reset. We will occasionally send software updates or newsletters to the main contact on the account, but we will We will not send emails directly to students unless we are replying to an E-mail sent directly to us from a student.