Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

School store inventory frequently features an assortment of products. From pencils to electronics, schools have a variety of inventory items that must be tracked. However, most point of sale (POS) systems do not have the necessary components to track school product sales. Many are designed for items that already have barcodes and cannot track the volume of products that schools have. Because of this, many schools are finding they need to utilize a system that’s designed with schools in mind to get the best results. School inventory software is more comprehensive, easier to track and meets school needs better than POS systems designed for businesses. 

More Comprehensive

One of the biggest things we see when talking to schools about POS systems is the systems inability to provide comprehensive reports. Customer profiles are usually limited to phone numbers to keep track of points, not items purchased. This means specific transactions cannot be examined, nor can purchasing habits. Inventory items are also limited to what has a preexisting barcode or items need to be entered manually. This leads to confusion in what’s getting sold and can severely throw off inventory numbers. Ann inventory tracking system made for schools will give more comprehensive reports as well as allow barcodes to get created and printed. This makes it perfect for both purchases and rental items.

Easier to Track

School inventory is an uphill battle for many staff members. School stores tend to sell hundreds of items, ranging from spirit merch to school supplies. These items can easily become lost in the fold if one does not have an easy-to-use system. A school inventory system is designed with schools in mind, meaning schools can easily track anything from what a specific student is buying to how many pencils they should have on hand. School inventory systems are frequently more comprehensive than regular POS systems, giving users the benefits of a POS as well as an inventory software.

Meets School Needs

Schools simply have different needs than businesses. Beyond unique payment options like student credit, they also require different inventory management software. A great school inventory software is affordable and tracks everything a school needs to know, ranging from transaction histories to loss/profit reports. With a more comprehensive system, schools can expect to see an increase in profits and a decrease in losses. This means schools can stay within their limited budgets as well as have detailed reports on items sold to keep inventory up to date.

School inventory tracking systems are integral for faculty and staff. A proper inventory system keeps product numbers up to date while providing users with comprehensive reports they can utilize for budget discussions and taxes. An out of date system can lead to thousands of dollars in losses—something schools simply cannot afford. Updating a system also increases security and makes for an easier inventory management process. Store 4 Schools provides users with a thorough, easy-to-use school inventory software system that allows schools to easily track their product sales. Learn more about how Store 4 Schools can help your school’s inventory management here.