8 Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference Running Your School Events

8 Little Changes That'll Make a Big Difference Running Your School Events

Have you ever wondered why some school events seem to be more successful and run effortlessly while others are wanting, and worse, end in disaster? We’ve all been at school events, whether as spectators, or volunteers doing small tasks, or as staff running to and fro filling in the gaps, only to find the leaders […]

How to Choose the Right Software for Student Event Ticketing

Setting up a school store is a wise move for any educational institution. It can become an immediate and significant source of revenue that bolsters your school’s budget for generations. However, such a venture won’t succeed if administrators don’t follow the best implementation practices.  Fortunately, we have some helpful tips to ensure that setting up […]

Here’s How To Set Up A School Store For Long-Term Success.

Setting up a school store is a wise move for any educational institution. It can become an immediate and significant source of revenue that bolsters your school’s budget for generations. However, such a venture won’t succeed if administrators don’t follow the best implementation practices.  Fortunately, we have some helpful tips to ensure that setting up […]

The Top 5 Ways To Manage Huge School Events 

Organizing enormous school events isn’t simple—especially when you have large groups of attendees. You have to consider safety, ticketing, staffing, financial outgoings, and the type of events that you wish to create. In short, extensive school events are daunting.   With all that said, there are ways you can manage large crowds of parents, students, and […]

Ten Benefits of Online Voting Software for ASB Elections

When it comes to ASB elections, many things ensure they run smoothly. One crucial aspect of ASB elections is the voting process. Traditionally, this has been done through paper ballots. However, online voting software offers several benefits that make the process smoother and more efficient for high schools.  This blog post will discuss the ten […]

Five Advantages of Using Software for Event Ticketing at Schools

School administrators often plan and manage large events, such as dances or concerts. Ticketing for these events can be a hassle, but with the right software, it can become much more manageable. This blog post will discuss five reasons why using software for event ticketing at schools can be beneficial.  Convenience  Software provides a convenient […]

Five Benefits Of School Inventory Software

As a school administrator, you have a lot on your plate. You are responsible for ensuring that your students have everything they need to learn and grow, from textbooks to pencils to desks. In addition to managing the day-to-day needs of your students, you also must keep track of the school’s inventory. This can be […]

How to Handle High School Online Ticket Sales

The moment that all high school sports fans await is now fast approaching: the return of sports events! As school begins to welcome back their students back to continue the school year, fans are eagerly awaiting the return of the athletic events that make their world go around. As for the people in charge of […]

What to Sell in An Online Shop for Students

School stores are a fantastic way to boost student engagement and school spirit while making money. Students can learn math, accounting, and social skills through shopping in the school store. The money earned through the school store can be used for whatever else your school might require, such as field trips, gym equipment, playground upgrades, […]

Why Principals Are Suggesting Student Election Software

Nowadays, our lives are shifting more and more online. This is why it is only logical to think that voting would transition into a digital platform as well. However, while public elections are yet to look at embracing such methods, many private organizations, and even schools, have adopted online voting. This enables them to take […]