Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

Rank Choice Voting

Information. Rank Choice Voting (RCV) is an option to allow voters to rank their choices (1,2,3 etc) The system will first look for a winner (more than 50%)  by looking at all voters 1st choice. If no winner can be established, the lowest ranking candidate will be removed and the second choice will be reallocated […]

Preparing for Next School Year

User Level Access In order to complete this process you must be a Super User or App Owner. This article is broken up into 4 main steps.  Exporting / Disabling Events Staff Accounts Student Accounts Renewal of your Software Account 1. Export Reports and Disable old Events Click on the + below for each module you […]

School Logo

Information In order to upload your school logo you must have Super Admin access.  Logos can be in .jpg. jpeg, gif or .png format.  From the left navigation click on System Settings Click on System from the top Navigation Click on School Logo Click Logo to upload your own school logo System Settings 

Require Change Passwords

In this article, you will learn how to set up the settings for requiring password change. System Settings You can force students to change their passwords after the first time they login. If you want even higher level of security, you can also turn on Require Student Email to add a layer of validation for students when […]

My Account

In this article, you will learn about My Account. My Account allows you to see your application expiration date, request a quote and renew your account. Click on the Renewal History if you would like to view your invoice history. Renew By – Choose the desired option for how you would like to renew and then […]

Hobbies and Biography

In this article, you will learn how to include candidate details such as hobbies and biography as part of the candidate profile. While setting up an election, there is an option to show a candidate picture and maximum two text boxes. For example, first box is labeled as Biography while second box number is labeled […]

Preview an Election

In this article, you will learn how to preview an election prior to letting students to vote.   Preview Election Select the tab for Elections. Click on the Verify Now button to preview the selected election. To access the elections, click on the Election button available at the top bar. Select the option for View Election. This will provide a […]

Write-in Candidates

In this article, you will learn about Write-In Candidates option. Enable Write-in Candidates To enable the feature, go to the System Settings and set the option as Yes for Allow Write-in Candidates. Click on the OK button to save the changes Add Write-in Option for Candidate Position Select the Position for which you would like to provide a […]