Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Election Layout Options

In this article, you will learn about the options available for the Election's Layout.

Layout / Type

When creating an election, you can choose between four different layouts.

Drop Down

This option is good when you have a lot of candidates or nominations. The drop down menus are searchable so a user can start typing a name to quickly get to the student they want.


Select Multiple

You can use the Layout option as Select Multiple for allowing your students to choose more than one candidate.

The system will keep a track of how many candidates they students have selected and will not let them select any more once they get down to 0 for each candidate.

Picture View

This view works well when you want the voters to see all candidates or options at one time.

We do not recommend this view when you are doing nominations or have a list of 30 or more per position because the webpage will get very long (and students will have to scroll a lot).

Rank Choice

Rank Choice Voting (RCV) is an option to allow voters to rank their choices (1,2,3 etc) The system will first look for a winner (more than 50%)  by looking at all voters 1st choice. If no winner can be established, the lowest ranking candidate will be removed and the second choice will be reallocated to the other candidates. This will continue until there is a winner of more than 50% votes. 

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Rating Scale

This option is designed when you want to get a ranking for each candidate or option.

This works well for surveys asking questions like how safe do you feel on campus and they can rate from 1-10 with 1 being low and 10 being high.
