Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Product Buttons

In this article, you will learn about various product buttons which are explained with a sample image and description. To access, click on the Sales button available at the top bar.

Regular Button

The Regular Button displays the Product Title i.e., name of the product (such as Baked Lays), Product Amount (for e.g., 0.75) and Quantity Remaining (for e.g., 50)

No Inventory 

If a product's inventory or quantity remaining is 0, then this button will be disabled. 

Unlimited Inventory 

If a product is set not to track inventory (for example you might be selling food tickets and there is an unlimited amount of tickets you can sell) then the Infinity Symbol (∞) will be displayed.

Enforce Sale to Student

The person icon means that the product must be sold to a student. In order to make this button active, you must scan a student ID first to ensure this button becomes active.

Price on Demand

The Price on Demand button allows you to enter the amount of the product at the time of sale. For example collecting Fines or Fees you can enter in a different amount upon every sale. 

Price on Demand - Setup

Price on Demand
  • Select the tab for Pricing.

  • Switch on the toggle for Price on Demand.

  • Enter the desired amount in Sales Price textbox.

    Once a price on demand product has been added for that transaction, the button will now display the entered amount for the rest of the transaction. Once you complete the transaction, it will go back to the original setting and you can add a new price.


If product is set to Price on Demand, you can enter a different price for each user. In this example, a Library Fine might be different for each student. So you would enter the desired amount and then click the button.

Button Size

Button Size

In the System Settings, you can adjust the Button Size from Small to Large as required.