Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Student Type

In this article, you will learn how to manage and add a new Student Type. It provides you the ability to give specified students special pricing for specific products.

Manage Student Types

  • You can search for a particular type by entering the filter value in the Search textbox. 

  • To add a new student type, click on the Add Student Type button. Read below for details.

  • You can edit existing student types by clicking on the Edit button.

To access, click on the Configure button available at the top bar and select the tab for Student Types.

Add Student Type

  • Create a title for your new student type.

  • Enter a description of your student type.

  • Order is used to set your own list sequence when you have three or more types.

  • To save the changes, click on the OK button.

When you click on the Add Student Type button, this pop-up window will appear on your screen.
