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Convenience Fee


If you want the customer to pay part or all of the credit card charges, you can add a Convenience Fee to the transaction. 

  • Go into System Settings / Global Settings to configure Convenience Fees

System Settings

  • There are three options. – No Fee will turn this feature off – Add Fee will put a fee on every credit card transaction – Optional Fee will allow the user (or in the portal, the parent / student) to choose if they want to pay the fee or “Opt Out” of the fee

Convenience Fee

  • If you want to charge a flat fee per transaction, you can add that here. Only put numbers and a decimal, do not add a $ when entering an amount.

  • If you want to charge a percent of the total amount, you can add that here. Only put numbers do not put a % symbol when entering a number.

Convenience Fee Types can be used individually or in combination. For example if you get charged .30 per transaction + 2.9% of the total, you can add a flat rate of .30 and 2.9 for the percent to cover your credit card fees. 

  • When the fee is turned on, it will calculate and be displayed in the total sale section of the page. 

  • When the fee is set to optional there will be a drop down where you can opt out of the fee. This will be the same on a online portal sale as well.


If a convenience fee was charged during the purchase, it will be refunded to the customer if doing a Void, but will not be refunded to the customer if doing a return.
