Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Configure the Student Login Page

In this article, you will learn how to setup the login page notes for the students to vote.

You can modify the Login Notes by clicking on the System Settings and selecting the tab for Voting.
This is your voter instructions on how to login. For example, if you use the "Is Birthday" option for your student passwords, you will want to add a note that says Passwords / Birthdays are formatted m/d/yyyy - 9/6/1998.
Click on the Edit button to update the notes.


Other than Login Notes, it is important to setup the User ID and Password in the System Settings.
User ID - This is what students will be using to login. Most of the time schools use student id. This must be unique so using last name is not recommended.
User Password - This is what students will use as their login password. Often schools put the word Birthday here and use the login notes as their description to explain the password input.
Here is how the student login page will be displayed when the students vote on a computer.
The Login Notes added in the System Settings appear below the Login button.