Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Upload User Accounts

In this article, you will learn about managing user / staff accounts.

System Settings

To upload new users go into System Settings / Users

Upload Staff

  • Click Users from the top navigation. 

  • To upload staff members from a file click the Upload Staff button

Select File

  • Select your file from your computer. Upload works best with .csv, but you can also use a .xlsx. (.xls files will not work for this upload)

  • Your file must have 4 columns (First, Last, Email and a Password) for each user on in your file. 

To upload users

  • Next choose what program you are giving these users access for.

  • Then select the role level. learn more about roles


If you want to give users access to multiple applications, you will have to go through this process once for each application you want to give access. 

  • If your file has a header row, leave this on. A header row means that the first record is not an actual user. 

  • Next make sure you align your file to the correct fields on the import.

  • If your lists contains users that are already in the system do you want to reset their password with the one that is on your file? If so then turn Password Overwrite on. If you do not want to change the password for current users leave this to the default setting which is off. (as seen in the image above)

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