Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Voting Groups

In this article, you will learn about managing voting groups.

Voting groups allow you to segregate students to create an election granting access to a group of students.

For example, you are having class elections where you want 10th graders to vote for 10th graders and 11th graders to only vote for other 11th graders. You can use voting groups to accomplish this.


  • You can use this Search box to search for your required groups. Also, there is a dropdown to filter the groups.

  • To create a new group, click on the Add Voting Group button. Read below for more details.

  • To edit voting group name of existing groups, click on the Edit button against the desired group.

To access, click on the Students button from the top bar and select the tab for Voting Groups. This will show you all your current voting groups with the number of students currently associated with that voting group.

Add Voting Group

Click on Add Voting Group button.
Enter the name of the group you would like to create and click OK.
Note: Voting groups will also be created when you upload your students. In this case, you may not need to create voting groups manually.